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The Extinction of Absolute Silence
“Noise pollution” is used to describe the excessive noise that is currently leaving a negative impact on our world & ecosystems.
Being that it is most commonly caused by industrial activity- as our society advances, our world also grows louder. Today, it is nearly impossible to experience true silence.
We know that volume spikes can cause long term damage to our hearing, but what if I told you noise pollution can also increase the risk of other serious health issues?
If you’re interested in learning more, check out the sources below.
Video Essays:
Insider Tech
a video about Olympic National Park’s Hoh Rain Forest
“Noise Pollution Is Much Worse For You Than You Think”
National Institutes of Health
Noise Pollution
National Geographic Society article on noise pollution
Article on the ways noise pollution may be destructive to one’s health
Being someone who is very interested in industrial advancements, and loves city life, concerts, festivals, and other considerably loud events- I think it’s important to note that this is just meant to educate and in no way criticize these things. Live your life in the most enjoyable way possible, but also consider what environments are best for your health.
noise pollution
by ryle

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