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Little ways to make your inner child happy as an adult
Watch old movies or shows that you loved when you were small
Talk to yourself as if you are you’re mothering a child. Ex. You wouldn’t say horrible things to your kid (hopefully) and you would encourage healthy self-care.
Add pops of color and personality into your life. Ex. Stickers, colors, stuffies, things you love
Get a treat you have been craving and don’t think about any repercussions! A kid wouldn’t care, neither should you every once in awhile.
Smile! It literally releases endorphins in your brain. Put something on that makes you laugh to decompress
Do an activity or hobby like coloring, puzzles, drawing, dancing, making bracelets, etc. there’s a reason we were creative as kids, there is an instinct in us to create!
Never repress your childlike wonder! If you think the sky is pretty, stop to look. If you want to pet a dog, ask! If you want to be kind to a stranger, be kind. Have some joy and whimsy, it’s the best way to reconnect with yourself
Death to cringe culture. To be cringe is to be free. I swear if you get off of tiktok and social media, you’ll see that making fun of people is lame as hell. I promise people don’t care as much as it seems. You got this <3
Inner Child
by jellywish

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